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Invitation to Contribute on SEAMEO ODL Articles

SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC) ได้เชิญชวนมหาวิทยาลัยซึ่งเป็น SEAMOLEC Governing Board สนับสนุนการเขียนบทความ SEAMOLEC Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Articles เพื่อลงบนเว็บไซต์ของ SEAMOLEC (  โดยมี Writing Guidelines ดังนี้

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)
Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC)
Writing Guidelines of SEAMOLEC Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Articles

  1. The article should be provided in Microsoft Word files (.doc or .docx).  Do not use any fancy formatting, styles, or desktop publishing to produce your article.  Do not send articles in PDF format.
  2. The articles at least 526 words and no longer than 1052 words.
  3. The article must cover topics related to ODL, ICT integration in to teaching and learning, best practices in learning process, and other relevant topics.
  4. The article is not a journal.  Do not send papers.  Instead, send articles written in a lively and engaging manner. Do not use figure references. Do not use footnotes.  If a source should be referenced, do so in the body of the article parenthetically and if needed, in quotations. 
  5. Include the author name including the position and institution.
  6. Use Arial font size 11, and single spacing in the article.
  7. Send two to four high-quality graphics (can be screenshots, photographs, diagrams, and other visuals that can help tell the story).
  8. Send original screenshots and other graphics saved with little or no compression in PNG, or JPEG format.  Do not send images that have been embedded in a Microsoft Office product (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  9. Send a caption of each graphic in a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) correlating the graphics file name with the caption.
  10. Send it to email: [email protected]  cc: [email protected]

ผู้สนใจโปรดส่ง Article มายังสถานวิเทศสัมพันธ์ E-mail: [email protected] หรือสอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ งานพัฒนาความเป็นสากล โทร. 7175